Killmark Locations

The #1 crowd-sourced database of EvE Online killmark locations
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Our Mission

Our Goal is to create a complete and fully searchable database of all killmail locations in EvE Online.
Everyone knows that feeling, when you just got your first killmail in your shiny new ship and it is the time to create a fancy screenshot to show off your new killmark.

Oh dear, now you have to find those damn things again.
But wait! With our database you can easily look up where to find your shiny killmarks.

About Killmarks

What are killmarks

Killmarks are a visual representation of your final blows on your ship.
They are tied to that specific ship, so if your particular ship blows up, they killmarks will be gone forever.
On the contrary that means, that your killmarks can be traded with the ship.

How can you get killmarks in EvE Online

You can claim Killmarks as your own, by dealing the final blow to another players ship.
The final blow can be dealt with any offensive weapon, even with drones or bombs.

Restrictions for killmarks

However there are some restrictions on killmarks:

  • Killing NPCs does not give Killmarks
  • Kills against your corp mates do not reward a mark
  • Capsules, Shuttles, Rookie Ships, unmanned vessels will not add a mark to your ship
  • Structures, Containers, Wrecks and Drones will also not add a mark

How to contribute?

We are happy to accept contributions of new screenshots. You can find a list of missing ships on the contribute page. At the bottom of the page is a form to upload your screenshot.

If you have any questions feel free to EvE Mail Argon Inkura.
I want to contribute